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Exploring the Three Levels of AI Intelligence: Which One Will Rule the World?

รูปภาพนักเขียน: Anantaya PornwichianwongAnantaya Pornwichianwong

Every day, we hear about groundbreaking developments in AI. One recent innovation is ChatGPT, an AI that interacts with us in a remarkably human-like way. It understands how we speak and can store vast amounts of information beyond what our brains can remember in order to respond to us naturally and knowledgeably. Another example is the use of AI in self-driving cars, which have become so advanced that they can drive autonomously and safely to transport us to our destinations.

Of course, many people may feel terrified at the thought of AI becoming so intelligent that it surpasses our ability to control it and wonder what would happen to humanity if it were to rule the world.

Rather than panicking and missing out on the opportunity to understand and utilize the capabilities of AI, Sertis invites you to discover the truth behind its advancement. In fact, AI can be divided into three ability and advancement levels. The "AI" we are familiar with is nowhere near advanced enough to take over the world and is not as terrifying as you may think.

Now, you may be curious to learn more about the reality of AI and the types of AI that could potentially rule the world. Let's explore this together in this article.

ANI - Artificial Narrow Intelligence, AI in our daily lives.

This type of AI is the one we use in our daily lives. Artificial Narrow Intelligence, or ANI, is an AI developed to perform only one specific or a narrow range of related tasks. For example, an AI that recognizes speech and receives voice commands, like Siri, can perform tasks as commanded within the extent of functions smartphones allow, such as searching for information, telling time and weather, and dialing specific contacts. We can also see ANI in an AI that detects faces, such as FaceID, a facial recognition system that can only identify and authorize access.

Nowadays, ANI still has limited capabilities and is developed specifically for a narrow task. Even if it can perform those tasks equally or even more efficiently than humans, it can't do anything other than what was programmed. The AI we use today falls under this category.

AGI - Artificial General Intelligence, the human-like AI which has not yet arrived

The next type of AI steps beyond ANI and is what we are striving to achieve. Unfortunately, no one has been able to build it yet, and perhaps we may not be able to do so in the near future.

AGI, or Artificial General Intelligence, is a type of AI that mimics human intelligence and has comparable abilities to humans. It's not an AI built for just one task, but rather one that can do anything humans can. AGI can think like us. It possesses the ability to make complex decisions and understand the context. It understands emotions, has common sense and reasoning abilities, and can analyze and respond to complicated or changing situations without taking orders from humans.

No researcher or engineer has yet been able to develop AGI because, with current advancements in science and biology, we still can't fully understand how human brains work. There are many mechanisms in human brains that we haven't understood, making it impossible to create an AI that can completely imitate the brain. However, in the future, if we gain a better understanding of human brains, we might finally be able to achieve AGI.

ASI - Artificial Super Intelligence, the ultimately and ideally intelligent AI

ASI is the highest level of AI that humans can predict. It is an AI with super intelligence powers that surpass the most intelligent human brain in every way. This concept has been depicted in some sci-fi movies already.

It is said that if we can reach the level of AGI, further development into ASI would not be too difficult and may not take long because if we achieve AGI level's capabilities, meaning that AI has its own brain and can learn and develop on its own, progressing beyond humans to the ASI level would not be as difficult. At that point, we may experience the phenomenon of an intelligence explosion, where the ASI is so intelligent that we can no longer control it.

So far, many of you may be worried, right? But I can tell you that you can relax because the development of AI, at this time, is far from reaching the AGI level. Achieving AGI requires a lot more time and advancements in many fields, so there is no need to worry about ASI or the intelligence explosion at this point in time.

After all, recognizing the extent of AI capabilities will help us prepare ourselves and upskill alongside AI. We can contribute to supporting the development of AI that is safe and beneficial to humans so that no matter how intelligent AI becomes, we will be able to keep pace and harness AI to drive humanity forward sustainably.

Let's stop worrying and start learning more about AI. Develop an awareness of AI's capabilities and learn how to use AI tools appropriately and ethically. Then, we can unlock new potential and possibilities with intelligent helpers like AI, which can elevate and augment humanity.

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